Then how to deal with a large PDF file, especially when you need to email it? No worries, here you will find 4 ways to email a large PDF fast and easy. In this case, a PDF file can never be small, since there are always numerous pages included in this file. Hundreds-of-pages PDFĭue to its high security, PDF is widely used in formal and important occasions, such as drafting a commercial contact, agreement, or writing a book and save as PDF. In this case, you can make the image to be black and white before importing to a PDF file. Even, colorful images make the PDF file even bigger. The more images in a PDF file, the larger the PDF size it will be. Speaking of image, it is always an indispensable element in a PDF file, but we know, images take space.

Too many images in the PDFĪ PDF file is an excellent carrier to bring various elements together on the same page, such as formatted texts, table, links, diagrams, video, signature and images. To make the scanned PDF smaller, you need to adjust the scanning parameters with a lower DPI. This is just the reason why a scanned PDF is so big in size. Most of the scanners scan files at 300 DPI, while the recommended web-friendly image should be at a DPI of 72. And as we know, the scanned files are multi-pages images with a relatively higher DPI. There are different reasons leading to a large PDF, but generally speaking, they can be summarized as following 3 types.

However, due to its versatility in containing all kinds of elements in the file, a PDF can be too large, then how to email a large PDF? Here you will find the reasons why your PDF is too large and how to email a large PDF without sacrificing the original file quality. PDF has worked as a the standard format for such a long time, whenever we need to save or share a file, we prefer to make it in PDF, especially when emailing a file.