Original star wars film download
Original star wars film download

original star wars film download

You've seen this version of the film before, that's not why we're here.

original star wars film download

They're ashamed to be releasing it, it's as if they can't even admit to themselves that they're actually letting us have the theatrical versions of Star Wars.

original star wars film download

The "Bonus Disc" is the only reason anyone is going to buy this thing, but they haven't even bothered to properly label it. Disc One has the 2004 versions of the movies, the ones already out on other cheaper and better releases. "Bonus Disc" is the place where they've unceremoniously dumped the theatrical versions of the films. There's a commentary on Disc One with the 2004 version of the film, but any extras begin and end right there. Does "Bonus Disc" mean that there's a second DVD stuffed with bonus material? No, you can forget about bonus material. Disc one is labeled as "Disc One" and disc two is labeled "Bonus Disc". Open the case and inside you'll find an ad for the other two Limited Editions, a card with concept art stamped on it, and two improperly labeled discs. At least the case is made out of hard, quality plastic so this thing is going to bear up quite well under years and years of being bought and then traded in for something better. Imagine the most clich�, boring, Star Wars artwork you've seen and that's what's been used. The artwork on all three discs is pretty pedestrian. The Target where I bought mine had stuck signs up next to their display with the words "Theatrical Version of Star Wars!" emblazoned on them in big black letters to help out. Flip it over and you'll see tiny print detailing what's on each disc, but browsers aren't likely to flip it over if they can't tell what it is at first glance. There's nothing on the front of the box to indicate what this set contains. What is a Limited Edition? What does that mean? If I walk into a store and see it, how do I differentiate it from all the other versions of Star Wars floating around? Apparently you don't. To me, the worst thing about these Limited Editions is that they don't tell you what they are. The film's packaging problems don't end there.

Original star wars film download